learning about nature through discovery, observation,
and recording
Gardening for Wildlife
Journal Archives
Your Thoughts

Basic Needs of Wildlife


  • drinking

  • seeds, berries, nuts

  • protection from predators
  • bathing
  • nectar, pollen, buds
  • relief from harsh weather
  • insects
  • safe places to rest during the day and night
  • safe nesting sites to raise their young

Tips to Creating a Welcoming Habitat

  • Practice organic gardening -- Avoid chemicals
  • Use more plants native to your region and hardiness zone
  • Plant a variety of seed- and berry-producing plants that offer food at different times throughout the seasons
  • Keep a natural and less manicured landscape or designate areas within a landscape dedicated to wildlife. Wildlife prefers a less tidy landscape -- Don't deadhead flowers and prune excessively
  • Keep a brush pile -- Serves as protective shelter and source of insects
  • Provide water throughout the year, especially in cold winter areas, and locate about 10 - 15 feet from cover
  • Learn about and observe the habitat and habits of the wildlife in your area
  • Encourage your neighbors to garden for wildlife

Please share your wildlife gardening practices and plant selections by posting your commentary in
Wildlife and Plants.

Thank you!!